July 29, 2013

CAMO / CAME / AMP ? What's what ?

The Piper Seneca is a great aircraft. The industry is unanimous about that and flying great aircraft is why we're in it really. And still, it is not the fun or the journey, however important, that are our primary focus but it is one thing, and one thing only: safety. Safety is our main concern, at all times, it is our number one priority. And because it is so essential we have choosen to maintain our planes to the highest standards available to us and that involves a day-to-day, continuous follow-up of maintenance activities, workitems, scheduled and unscheduled checks, replacements of parts and corrective actions. These actions and the dates on which they should be performed are all exposed in great detail in an AMP ("Aircraft Maintenance Programme"), which is based on maintenance requirements officialy required by the manufacturer. These general requirements, valid for each aircraft type are specifically adapted to each individual aircraft's spécifications as there aren't two birds that are the same. The effective implementation, surveillance and follow-up of the AMP is provided by an officialy approved CAMO ("Continuous Airworthiness Management Organisation") who operates under the legal supervision of the Belgian Civial Aviation Administration. The effective maintenance labor is carried out by various maintenance facilities who are also approved and supervised by the BCAA and who employ trained and highly skilled aviation professionnals.